Ready Apprentice Contract 8 Updates

Known Issues and Limitations

Frequently asked Questions

The frequently asked questions and current known issues and concerns are listed in the following article. The article is constantly updating with new updates. Please keep checking this article to know the current state of Read Apprentice's Contract 8 Updates. 

Frequently Asked Questions

New Features

ADMS Signup Integration

Following the Signup Creation from Ready Apprentice to ADMS, users can now create new Apprentice in ADMS from Ready Apprentice as part of Signup Creation. Users can also send the Apprentice's further signup details as part of the signup push as well. Please see the Signup Integration article to know the workflow and current limitations. 


LLND Quiz can be launched from Ready Apprentice and results can be manually stored in RA. The following article has the details of the LLND Feature.

Service Group and key Clients

Service group and Key client details are now captured from ADMS and can be overridden by users if required. The explanation on Key clients and Service group can be found here

Progress Contacts

New Progress Contact Schedule for Contract 8 can now be found under Registration > Progress Contact tab. Please check here to know more about the Contact Schedule and the contact attempt feature. 


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