Contract 8 Progress Contacts

Progress Contacts Tab

The Contract 8 Progress Contacts feature provides a dedicated space to track and manage apprentice progress. At this moment the Schedule is predictive and does not have any integration with ADMS but that integration will come in near future. 

The Schedule will show all possible contacts that can be performed for an Apprenticeship - whether by the Department or the Provider. If the Registration is a New Energy Registration then the New Energy Contacts will also show in the schedule. The schedule gets updated daily to project correct Status of the Contacts. 

Here's a simple walk-through to explain the schedule:

Progress Contact Name

Progress contact point column represents different stages in the apprenticeship journey, such as the 'Sign Up', '7 Week', '6 Month', etc and corresponding Contact point under which the contact is performed, right up until 'Completion'.

Done By

Ready Apprentice will show a full contact schedule with all eligible contacts for a Registration. the Done by column will indicate whether a contact is to be maintained by the provider or the department. The Done by value is dependent on the Service group of the Registration. 

Progress Mode

Each progress contact has an associated mode of contact, such as 'Face To Face', or 'Workplace Visit' which follows the operating guideline requirement where as Department contacts are indicated by 'Email' as these are optional contact to be undertaken by a provider based on their business needs..

Progress Status

The status of each progress contact point is highlighted. A future contact for an Active Registration will start as Pending and once it reaches the Due date it will transition to Due. If any Contact Attempt is added for a Contact then the contact status will be updated to Contact Attempted and when all required contact attempts are done, a user can mark a contact as Complete. If a contact is not marked as complete and it passes the Expiry date then the status will become Expired.  If a Contact falls after Registration End Date or if a registration is not Active any longer, any outstanding contact will get invalidated.

Due and Expiry

The table provides the expected 'Due' date and 'Expiry' date for each progress contact.

Note: This Date is indicative based on Ready Apprentice's internal calculation and might be slightly different from ADMS. Once the two-way integration is complete with ADMS's progress contact, the Due & Expiry dates for Provider contacts will be captured from ADMS. But the Department contacts which are not a part of Progress contact in ADMS will still have an indicative Due/Expiry date as these contacts are projections of department contacts and optional for Providers. 


The column titled 'Action' indicates the actions that can be done against a Contact. Currently a user can Complete a Contact, Assign a Contact to a user and add Filenotes against a Contact. 

Recalculate Button

If any details in the Registration has updated, the contacts get recalculated to show correct dates, status, Done by etc. Contacts get recalculated automatically when a Registration is updated. But in case that doesn't happen, Users can click the Recalculate button to update the Contacts in the schedule. 

Progress Contacts Search Page

We have added a new 'Progress Contact' search page to Ready Apprentice allowing you to search and filter 'Progress contacts' data. You can access it from the search dropdown in the navigation menu on the main page.

Search Functionality


You have the capability to add and clear filters to get the progress contact data you need. 

You can also export the 'Progress Contact' data by clicking Export > New Export;

This allows you to create and generate a new export file. You can choose from the 'Available fields' and move them to the selected fields section or move them all across at once. You also have the option to name and describe you export.

You can also 'Save As Template'. This will save the current configuration as a template for future use.

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