Contract 8 and Signup FAQ

This article will consist of frequently asked questions regarding Signups and Contract 8 changes. This article will be updated constantly as the Ready Apprentice team makes progress.

Known Issues as of 3 July 2024

ADMS Apprenticeship and other Data Sync

ADMS has made huge data change where they updated all the Active Apprenticeships during their transition to Contract 8. Via API Ready Apprentice can only sync 5000 data at a time at this moment. As a result, most of the Apprenticeship data are not being updated within Ready Apprentice. ADMS team is making some changes in their API so that Ready Apprentice can sync more than 5000 records at a time. We are anticipating to have this restriction on data limit to be lifted on 3 July from the ADMS team. Ready Apprentice team is seeking advice from the department if any adjustment is required within Ready Apprentice to Sync the data. When the limit will be lifted, Ready Apprentice team will manually sync all the updated Registrations which will take an extended amount of time meaning the data will be synced over few days instead of a one time pull due to the huge load. 

The consequence of the data Sync Issue:

  • Transferred Registrations might be missing within Ready Apprentice
  • Service group and Key client information are missing within Registrations
  • Progress Contact Projection might be incorrect as Service Group information has not fed through to RA from ADMS for most Registrations.

NOTE: Please note that, any update in ADMS post 1 July will get synced during the daily pull. The RA team will be manually syncing the records that got updated during the transition. 

Resolved Issues as of 3 July 2024

Sign Up Integration Failure

ADMS team has updated the ADMS ID for all the new site codes during the transition which was not reported to Ready Apprentice. This caused the error when new signup is getting pushed to ADMS from Ready Apprentice for the new AAC Sites. The Ready Apprentice team has updated ADMS ID for all the new site codes on 2 July and signups can now be sent successfully and new Apprentice can be added to ADMS from RA as part of signup creation. 

LLND & Assessments

Q. Can we populate LLND quiz ID in ADMS's signup module?

A. QuizID details have recently been exposed via the ADMS API. Ready Apprentice Team has started investigating to push LLND to ADMS via API. 

Q. Can we see LLND Quiz ID information populated from ADMS to Ready Apprentice?

A. QuizID details have recently been exposed via the ADMS API. Ready Apprentice Team has started investigating to pull relevant LLND to ADMS via API.

Q. Will the Assessment Requirement for Employer and Apprentice come across from ADMS?

A. Ready Apprentice Team is currently working to bring these details into the application from ADMS. 

Key Client Cohort

Q. Why Indigenous and Disability do not have override option under Registration's Client details section

A. Indigenous and Disabled flag have already been used in Registrations based on Training Contract. As WMDT and Remote are the new key client cohorts where it is more complicated to determine at training Contract level, this information is captured from ADMS and in case the update does not come through successfully, the Override option has been provided for these two cohorts along with New Energy information.

At a later point of time, Ready Apprentice team will provide override option for Indigenous and Disabled if this seems to be a required action. 


Q. Can I create Apprentice in ADMS as part of Signup creation from Ready Apprentice?

A. Yes. From 1 July 2024, users can create Apprentice as part of signup from Ready Apprentice to ADMS. The details is available in this article -  Signup Integration .

Progress Contacts

Q. When Can I push Progress Contact details to ADMS?

A. Ready Apprentice is working on a 2-way integration with ADMS to pull and push Progress Contact details. This will be available in near future.


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