Universal Support & Support Contact Search Pages

As of the 26 March 2024 release, we are importing Universal Support & the associated contacts from ADMS on a daily basis and display this in the Universal Support tab in Registrations. Ready Apprentice Release Notes (26 March 2024)

To build on this we have now included search pages for Universal Support & and Support contacts

Universal Support Search

The Universal Support Search Page can be found under sidebar > Search

The Search Page has the following Column options. Please note columns can also be added/removed from column settings.

  • Registration TYIMS ID - Links to Reg
  • Training Contract ADMS ID - Links to TC
  • Apprentice Name (with TYIMS ID) - Links to AA
  • Employer Trading Name (Employer TYIMD ID) - Links to Emp
  • Universal Support Type (Signup, Progress 12 month …. Etc)
  • Support Start Date
  • Support End Date
  • Support Status
  • Registration Start Date
  • Registration Recommencement Date
  • Registration Start/Recom Date

Universal Support Contacts Search

The Universal Support Contacts search page can be found under sidebar > Search

The Search Page has the following Column options. Please note columns can also be added/removed from column settings.

  • Registration TYIMS ID - link to Reg
  • Registration Status
  • Training Contract ADMS ID - Link to TC
  • Apprentice Name (with Apprentice TYIMS ID)- Link to AA
  • Employer Trading Name (with Employer TYIMD ID) - Link to Emp
  • Universal Support Type (Signup, Progress 12 month …. Etc)
  • Universal Support Service Type (Initial Assessment, Pre Signup …. Etc)
  • Service Start Date (Universal Support Service Type Start Date)
  • Service End Date (Universal Support Service Type End Date)
  • Universal Support Status (status of the main Universal Support this contact belongs to - Draft, In progress, Requirement met)
  • Registration Start Date
  • Registration Recommencement Date
  • Registration Start/Recom Date
  • Registration Recommencement Type
  • Contact Date (time is not required)
  • Provider
  • NEASP Spot Check Yes/no
  • Mode of Contact
  • Duration
  • Attendee
  • Location
  • Successful? - yes/No


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