Operational Guidelines Changes for Contacts 2022-2023

The Ready Apprentice team has been working to accommodate the changes that have been introduced to contacts as of the 1st of January 2023. We have made the following changes and will continue to make changes to accommodate the needs of Providers.

Post Signup 3 Month Contact

The initial Post Signup Youth contact has been renamed. This contact has been renamed to the 'Post Signup 3 Month'. This contact has been added to any Registration where:

  • Registration's Start/Recommencement date is after the 1st of January 2023. Note: there is no requirement around specific cohorts any more. 


Post Signup Contact (expiring at 6 month point) will continue to remain in the Contact schedule even for the Registrations where Post Signup 3 Month Contacts exists. It is the decision of individual providers whether they want to complete Post Signup Contacts along with Post Signup 3 Month Contacts or will ignore where Post Signup 3 month is completed. 

Filter and Export Options

The following Filter and Export options have been added to the Contacts Search page for easily identifying different cohorts in order to complete different contacts based on priority. 

  • Gender, 
  • Disability,
  • Indigenous 
  • Age at Start

Electronic Completion of Contacts

Post Signup Contacts

Post Signup 3 Month Contact can not be sent electronically.

Post Signup (existing Post Signup Contact) can still be sent electronically if it is selected in Settings > Self Service Contacts Settings and if a template is set for this contact in the Communication Schedule. But the contacts will not be marked as Contact Complete when the email/SMS are sent out electronically like before. Even if Electronic Contact is sent out for this contact, the contact still needs to be completed manually

12 Month Contacts

12-month Contacts will no longer be marked completed automatically when the apprentice completes the electronic survey. This applies for ALL registrations. Please note that the contacts will still be sent out electronically and Apprentices will be able to complete them. 

24 Month Contacts

All 24 Month Contacts will continue to be sent out Electronically and will be automatically completed when Apprentices submits the self service questionnaire. No change has been made around 24 Month Contacts.

36 Month Contacts

36-month Contacts will no longer be marked completed automatically when the apprentice completes the electronic survey. This applies for ALL registrations. Please note that the contacts will still be sent out electronically and Apprentices will be able to complete them.

Bulk Actions

Bulk Invalidation

Admin users can Invalidate Contacts in bulk and the limit is 50 at a time. This is an irreversible action. If an Admin performs this action, the Contact can not be processed any more. Hence, extra caution needs to be taken before performing this bulk action. A warning message will be shown to remind the user that once the Contact is marked as Invalid, it can not be reverted back to valid contact.

When user attempts to perform this action, if they attempt for more than 50 Contacts, they will be shown a warning and the action cannot be performed. 

Bulk Reset

Admin users can reset contacts in bulk at a limit of 50 per time.

Completion via Employer

When Apprentice contact cannot be completed after multiple attempts, providers can complete an Apprentice Contact by contacting the Employer. In order to record this type of Apprentice Contact completion, Via Employer option has been added as a method of Apprentice Contact in the Contact Complete modal. Once the option is chosen, user can enter the Employer representative details for record keeping. In Contact Form that is uploaded in Documents tab will also show Via Employer as method if this is chosen as the Contact Method. 

Partial Completion of Contacts

As per the changes in the Operational Guidelines, Employer Contact is now mandatory for Post Signup 3 Month Contact, Band 1 12 month Contact, and one of the 12 Month Contacts for Band 2.

Hence, for Post Signup 3 Month Contact and Band 1 12 Month 1 Contact, both Employer and Apprentice Contact are now required to be completed to mark a contact as Complete. 

For Band 2 12 Month Contacts, there is now a checkbox in the Employer section called Employer Contact not required. To complete a Band 2 12 Month Contact, a user either needs to complete both the Employer section and Apprentice section or they need to mark the checkbox to deem the Employer as not required for that particular Contact and complete Apprentice section only. The user will decide whether they want to complete the employer section for a particular Band 2 12 Month Contact. Please note that the system will not check if atleast one of the Band 2 12 month Contacts has Employer completion. It will be upto the users to ensure that atleast one of them has Employer completion. 

With this change, a user can complete the Apprentice and Employer Section independently for these specific Contacts. If only Employer section is done, the contact status will be Employer Complete. If Apprentice section is done, the Contact status will be Apprentice Complete. If Employer is marked as not required and Apprentice section is still incomplete, the contact will remain as pending. 

If Employer section is complete but Apprentice section is not completed and vice versa, the contact will expire after the expiry date.

Contact Mode

Post Signup Contacts

For all Post Signup Contacts and Post Signup 3 Month Contacts, the default contact mode has been set to Face-to-Face. This is applicable for both Band 1 and Band 2 Contacts. The modes can be changed from Milestone Contacts Management Settings. 

12 Month Contacts

The 12 Month Contacts' mode can now be updated in Milestone Contact Management Settings. 

24 Month Contacts

No change has been made around the default mode of 24 Month Contacts. If required, the mode can be updated from the Milestone Contact management Setting page. 

36 Month Contacts

The 36 Month Contacts' mode can now be updated in Milestone Contact Management Settings. 


Milestone Contact Management Settings

Contact modes can be changed for all milestones through Settings > Contacts > Milestone Contact Management. This impacts what the Preferred Mode of the contact will show in the Contact Schedule. When changed, all future contacts will appear with the set mode. If Admins want to change the existing contacts' mode, they can do so by clicking the "Update all valid Contacts" button. 

Electronic Contacts will continue to be sent out if the settings allow for it, regardless of the mode selected from this setting. 

Due Contacts

When a Contact is Due and Currently Outstanding with Status Pending, Employer Complete, Apprentice Complete, an alert is shown in the Registration show page with the Contact Name(s) along with the icon for the Preferred Mode of the Contact. If there are multiple due contacts, all of them will show. If a user hovers over the icon, the mode of the Contact will show. 

Users can refine their search with the 'In Window?' filter to locate due contacts.

If you wish to have this enabled, please submit a ticket with our support team.

Selecting 'Yes'  will display currently due contacts that are within the Due date Expiry date Window. 

Selecting 'No' will display contacts outside the window of due and expiry dates.

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