All Training Contracts in Ready Apprentice must be submitted to ADMS and the updates will come from ADMS through to Ready Apprentice. All updates regarding the changes for ADMS Training contract Can be found here. This article will be updated regularly for new changes.
Setting up Service Identity
In order to interact with ADMS, providers need to obtain Client ID and Subscription key to input in Ready Apprentice to establish a connection with the ADMS Production environment. Upon providing the credentials to Ready Apprentice, the Ready Apprentice Team can set it up from Settings. Otherwise, Admins can access the following link and provide the credentials themselves.
Creating single Training Contract
In Training Contract Page, Send to ADMS button has been added. To create a new Training Contract in ADMS, click on the button.
This will show a modal with preview of data to the user that will be sent to ADMS to create the Training Contract. User can then submit the Training Contract from that modal.
Note: The data will be made more user friendly post ADMS Launch.
If the Training Contract creation is successful, the lifecycle history will be created with Success message and a link to the ADMS Training Contract.
The Signup Status of the Training Contract will get updated to a new signup status named ADMS Training Contract Created , ADMS TC Status is updated to Draft, and will have ADMS ID section under the Apprentice Section in the TC page.
The history of the Training Contract gets updated with the new signup status.
If the Training Contract creation is unsuccessful, a lifecycle will be created with the details of the error.
The ADMS ID in the Training Contract is linked to the Training Contract in ADMS. Clicking on the link will take the user to the ADMS website to review the Training Contract.
Note: In order to view the Training Contract in ADMS, a user needs to sign in with their myGovID. If the session expires in ADMS, user will need to sign in again to access the Training Contract.
Creating Bulk Training Contract
To Create bulk Training Contract from Signup Project, select the Training Contracts you wish to bulk create and click on the Send to ADMS button.
In the confirmation modal, click submit to confirm the bulk job.
Users can see the status of the bulk job from Print Queue.
Once the bulk training contracts are created in ADMS, each Training Contract will get updated similar to individual Training Contracts with Signup Status Update, Lifecycle history and Link to ADMS TC with ADMS ID.
Search by ADMS ID
Global search has now been updated to accommodate ADMS. In the Global Search Bar, you can now use ADMS IDs to locate Training Contracts. A search filter has also been added to the Training Contract and Registration Search pages.
Along with the introduction of ADMS ID to the Training Contract and Registrations search page, a column has been added. This column will show the ADMS ID. ADMS ID data may also be exported for report purposes.
ADMS Information Update
When a Training Contract's status is updated in ADMS it will now update in Ready Apprentice. The system will update the status of Training Contracts every 15-minutes. When ADMS TC status is updated to "Ready for Review", Signup Status of the Training Contract updates to "Processing".
If a Training Contract is signed in ADMS, the signed date is updated in Ready Apprentice TC is updated within 15minutes.
Receiving ADMS Training Contract
When ADMS Status in Ready Apprentice gets updated to Ready for review from ADMS, the Received Date and Original Received Date is updated to be the same date as Ready for Review status update date in ADMS.
Uploading ADMS Training Contract PDF
When ADMS Status in Ready Apprentice gets updated to Ready for review from ADMS, the PDF version of training Contract from ADMS is uploaded in the Documents tab. Providers can choose to upload the pdf into documents tab when Status becomes Finalised and Approved. From AAC Preference Settings, the checkboxes to upload Finalised and Approved TC PDF can be selected by Admins.
ADMS Status Search options
A User may now search for a Training Contract or Registration by its current Status in ADMS. A user can locate a training contract by using the "ADMS Status" filter.
A column has also been added for this filter to the Training Contracts and Registrations search pages. This data may also be exported for report purposes.
Search by ADMS Creation Date
A User may now search for a Training Contract or Registration by the Creation date of ADMS TC. A user can locate a training contract or Registration by using the "ADMS Created On" filter.
A column has also been added for this filter to the Training Contracts and Registrations search pages. This data may also be exported for report purposes.
Received Through ADMS
Ready Apprentice has now added, "Received Through ADMS" in the ADMS section of Training Contract to replicate the previous "Received through Smart forms" function. Now when a Training contract is updated to Ready for Review in Ready Apprentice, this option will be updated with a tick. Otherwise, this will remain as a cross.
User can search for Training Contract which have been received through ADMS into Ready Apprentice from Training Contract Search.
ADMS Status lifecycle
When the ADMS Status of a training Contract is updated, a lifecycle entry will be added in the Training Contract with details of the current ADMS Status.
Training Contract History Update
Training Contract History Modal has been updated to include ADMS status and ADMS updated at columns. When Ready Apprentice updates the ADMS status of a Training Contract, it will now be recorded in the Signup history modal along with the time and date of the Status update in ADMS. :
Training Contract Supporting Documents Update
Training Contract Supporting documents will now download from ADMS to Ready Apprentice. These will appear in the Training Contract > Documents tab when the TC ADMS status becomes "Ready for Review".
The Training Contract PDF will also be accessible from the Documents tab when the status is updated to "Ready for Review". A user may now download the Training Contract PDF from the Documents tab after it has been downloaded.
"Not Stated" and "Unspecified" options added to Ready Apprentice
ADMS has added the option "Not Stated" and "Unspecified" for several questions about an Apprentice when creating a Training Contract. The option has been added for:
- Gender - Unspecified
- Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? - Not Stated
- Disability - Not Stated
- Do you speak a language other than English at home? - Not Stated
- Country of Birth - Not Stated