
  1. Search Apprentices in Ready Apprentice
  2. Filter Apprentices in Ready Apprentice
  3. Export Apprentices data in Ready Apprentice
  4. Create a New Apprentice from a Signup

The Apprentices Advanced Search is located in the navigation menu, under search, on the left side of the Ready Apprentice Dashboard.


Filter Apprentices in Ready Apprentice:

Use the Add Filter drop down menu on the left of the dashboard to filter the Apprentices data.

Export Apprentices data in Ready Apprentice:

Use the Export button on the right of the dashboard to export filtered lists of Apprentice data.

Fill out the data and hit submit.

This data is relevant to the Client record downloaded from TYIMS or ADMS.

Creating a New Apprentice from a Signup

If an Apprentice doesn't exist in ADMS or Ready Apprentice, you can create the Apprentice as part of the Signup Process (please find a link to the Signup process here) to do this, navigate to the Apprentice tab on the Signup wizard

Fill in the required Apprentice Details (Leave ADMS ID blank) and Create the Signup and Push it to ADMS

If you miss any of the required information you will see an error, fix any of these issues by editing the Signup and adding in the required details!

You will see the Apprentice is also created when pushing to ADMS!

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