Providers can now update the Region of an AAC site from the AAC Site Settings page.
From Settings page, go to AASNs link from Sidebar > Setup section.
After clicking the link, go to the Link under AASN Sites for the particular provider. In AASN Sites page, list of all AAC sites will be available.
Click on the Edit button for the site for which Region will be updated.
Add the Region Name in the Region Field and Click on the Update AAC site button at the bottom of the page.
The Region information is updated for the AAC Site.
Registration/Training Contract Page
In the Registration/Training Contract Page, under AAC details, the Region for the AAC Site shows.
Search Page
In Registration/Training Contract or other Search Pages, records can be searched by the AAC Site's Region using AAC Region Filter.
AMP Form
While viewing AMP from from Registration or Training Contract, The Region field in the AMP Form shows the Region value of the AAC site.