The new Tasks section, which is located in top bar of Ready Apprentice, is designed to assist you with your day-to-day work flow by consolidating a list of everyday tasks that field officers may have to perform.
Clicking on the Tasks will take you to a more detailed view of those items.
This is configurable on a per user basis (click here for details on how to configure what is shown in Tasks list) to show the following tasks that suit your needs:
The following are the current available Tasks you can enable:
- Claims Received - This will show you all Claims assigned to you that currently have a status of Claims Received.
- Claims Returned - This will show total of Claims that have a status of Claim Form Returned and have been marked as return to you.
- Contacts To-Do - This shows a total of Contacts that have statuses of Apprentice Completed, Employer Completed or Printed.
- Mentor Contacts Pending - This will show a count of how many Mentor contacts have a status of Pending and have a due date that falls within the last month (from current date).
- Mentor Contacts Due - This will show a count of how many Mentor contacts are in status of Due and are assigned to you.
- Mentor Referrals Requiring Action - Shows a count of Mentor Referrals which have been internally referred to you that also have a status of Open.
- Open Leads/Prospects - This displays a count of any Lead/Prospect that is assigned to you with a status of Active.
- Registrations - This will show a count of Registrations where you are assigned as Person File Location .
- Signup Projects In-Progress - This will show total of Signup Projects you have created where the status of projects is currently set to Open.
- Tasks - This will show the number of Tasks assigned to you, where the status is Open and where it has a due date up to today's date.
- Training Contracts In-Progress - This will show all Training Contracts where you are assigned as the Field Officer and have a status of Pending.
- Training Contracts Received - This will show all Training Contracts where you are assigned as the Field Officer and have a status of Received (Through Smart Form Inbox).
- Training Contracts Returned - This will show a count of Training Contracts which have been returned to you (you're assigned as the returnee).