Printing forms from a Signup
From your Signup record, you can print Application forms (such as LAFHA,SAAA and DAAWS) by clicking on Print and then click on Application Forms.
You can then select one or more forms to print, then click on Submit.
Printing Audit History
From your Signup record, you can print the full history of the signup record, which includes, Filenotes, Status changes and printed forms.
Click on Print and then click on Audit Summary
Ready Apprentice will then present you with the full history of the signup. Click on Print Audit Summary at the top of the screen to print the page.
Printing Training Contract and Other Sign Up Paperwork
After creating your Signup record, you can print the Training Contract and other Signup paperwork by clicking on Print and then click on Signup Forms
You will be presented with a list of forms to print, select those forms you wish to print and click on Submit.
Hint: You can change the order the forms print by moving the items up or down the list.
Your forms have now been queued, at the top of the screen click on the link to launch a PDF of your print job.