Employers is divided into three sections
Employer Categories
Employer Categories can be defined in this section. It displays the colour and name of category. Categories can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them up and down the list.
Employer Categories can be created by clicking "New Category" button. Add name and select colour by either clicking a colour or entering a colour code then click Submit to save category.
Employer Tags
Employer Tags are defined in this section. It displays the colour and name of the tag. Tags can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them up and down the list.
Employer Tags can be created by clicking "New Tag" button. Add name and select colour by either clicking a colour or entering a colour code then click Submit to save the tag.
Account Management Type Labels
Account Management Type Labels can be defined in this section. Personalised names for each type can be changed here by changing the text then clicking Submit.